
Course Description

Begin this Exploration and Bring History into Today's Classroom

This course is designed for K-14 educators to critically examine the history of baseball in America, from its origins to present. Participants will conclude with a final course project in which a virtual learning experience is created for K-14 students. While the history of baseball can be historically traced to the 19th century, it continues to be a significant part of the contemporary American and international culture. Even though baseball has similarities to the ball games that predate it as a sport, baseball has evolved in America to stand apart from other professional games, such as football, basketball, ice hockey and soccer. Throughout this course, you will examine the origins and fundamentals of baseball as a sport.

Learner Outcomes

  • Examine the history of baseball from its origins to the present
  • Describe ways in which the understanding of baseball, and its history, is valuable as an educator
  • Identify materials related to baseball and its history to create media-rich instruction for K-14 students
  • Identify how baseball has served as a platform for tackling larger cultural diversity issues within the United States
  • Create curriculum that uses baseball as the foundation for larger topic and subject area studies

Course Details

Number of Units: 2.0 graduate level extension credit(s) in semester hours

Who Should Attend: This course provides continuing education for teachers (Grade K-14) looking to foster a deeper appreciation for sports history and culture and instill the same in their students

Course Materials: Audio Course, The Modern Scholar: Take Me Out to the Ballgame: A History of Baseball in America by Timothy Shutt, available online at audible.com, iTunes, and Amazon.com to download.  Materials may also be available at or from: eBay, Craig's List, public libraries, or your school library.

Technical Requirements

ADA Accommodations:  Professional and Continuing Education is committed to promoting knowledge and academic excellence for all learners. The University of San Diego's Disability and Learning Difference Resource Center helps students with verified disabilities obtain meaningful academic accommodations and support to help improve access to Professional and Continuing Education programs and courses.  If you are a student who would like to be considered for academic accommodations, please visit USD's Disability and Learning Difference Resource Center's website and follow the instructions under Requesting Services.

Applies Towards the Following Certificate(s), Professional Programs and Series

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Start Now, you have 180 days to complete this course once enrolled.
Course Format
Course Fee(s)
EDU PD - $317 credit (2 units) $317.00
Available for Extension Credit
2 units
Section Notes

Once you have enrolled in your course, log in to your account to access the course Welcome Letter, which includes directions on how to access the Online Orientation and your online course.

Course Format
Course Fee(s)
EDU PD - $317 credit (2 units) $317.00
Available for Extension Credit
2 units
Section Notes

Once you have enrolled in your course, log in to your account to access the course Welcome Letter, which includes directions on how to access the Online Orientation and your online course.

NOTE: This section (015) is specifically for USD Athletics Department students. Only enroll in this section if you have a sandiego.edu email address and have been approved to take this section by USD Athletics Department.  General public, please choose section 012 (in 2024) and 016 (in 2025).

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