
Course Description

Do More Than Survive, Thrive at Home and at Work with a Strategic Wellness Plan

As educators continue in their field, and deal with societal pressure, as well as pressure from administrators and parents, finding a balance between school, life, and wellness can be really tough. The pull in one direction or another causes stress, anxiety, and fatigue. In order to enjoy one’s career, show up excited, and create meaningful experiences for students, educators need to identify issues like these in their lives and have very real tools to use to counteract them so they can teach, and live, with joy and renewed energy - really live their best life. This course will help educators and administrators learn strategies to create a work/life balance. By doing so, educators can thrive both in and out of the classroom. This course will share new healthy habits educators can adopt to create a sustaining system for overall wellness.

This course has content equivalency to the following course, and cannot be taken again:  EDU-X799K.

Learner Outcomes

  • Describe the importance of Work/Life Balance
  • Explain the four elements of health (physical, mental, emotional, social) that make a holistically healthy life
  • Identify strategies to integrate these four elements into daily life
  • Create a strategic wellness plan

Course Details

Number or Units: 3.0 graduate level extension credit(s) in semester hours

Who Should Attend: This course provides continuing education for PK-12 educators interested in learning new strategies and expanding on personal skills of self-support, preparing educators to have the best year yet!

Technical Requirements

Applies Towards the Following Certificate(s), Professional Programs and Series

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Start Now, you have 180 days to complete this course once enrolled.
Course Format
Course Fee(s)
EDU PD - $504 credit (3 units) $504.00
Available for Extension Credit
3 units
Section Notes

Once you have enrolled in your course, log in to your account to access the course Welcome Letter, which includes directions on how to access the Online Orientation and your online course.

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