Collaboration and Co-Teaching SPED/General Education - EDU-X796K
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Course Description
Maximize Learning when Team Teaching Special Education Students in the General Education Classroom
Collaboration and Co-Teaching SPED/General Education will review the six co-teaching models and will ask participants to examine the advantages and disadvantages of each. The course will also cover best practices in collaboration and planning, with an eye on both the SPED and General Education perspectives. This will also touch on peer-coaching techniques and conflict resolution. Also covered, examining the role of paraprofessionals as co-teachers and how to maximize their potential in the classroom.
Learner Outcomes
- Choose an appropriate co-teaching model for a variety of subject and lesson types
- Evaluate effectiveness of co-teaching lessons
- Plan co-teaching effectively and efficiently
- Increase deliberate and effective use of paraprofessionals in the classroom
- Provide peer to peer feedback and resolve co-planning conflicts effectively
Course Details
Number of Units: 2.0 graduate level extension credit(s) in semester hours
Who Should Attend: This course provides continuing education for K-12 teachers, both General Education and Special Education teachers, speech-language pathologists, and other paraprofessionals who are looking how to strengthen their instructional team for better achievement outcomes.
Course Materials: Text, Co-Teaching Do's, Don'ts, and Do Betters by Toby Karten and Wendy Murawski, available at or your local bookstore.
Applies Towards the Following Certificate(s), Professional Programs and Series
- Professional Teachers Program Series : Courses - Enroll in One or More