Increasing Rigor in the Foreign Language/LOTE Classroom - EDU-X771L
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Course Description
Strengthen Your Language Teaching to Enhance Student Fluency
In this course, you will learn how to make Foreign Language/LOTE (Language Other than English) instruction more interactive, communicative and rigorous through a variety of teaching techniques and data-supported learning/teaching strategies. You will examine your current assessments and evaluate their effectiveness in terms of depth of knowledge and cognitive challenge. You will have an opportunity to create lessons, activities, and assessments which increase student understanding and communication. Finally, you will learn how to apply these techniques to a variety of levels of language learning.
Learner Outcomes
- Examine your current FL teaching practice and underlying pedagogical strategies
- Identify what makes a FL lesson, activity, assessment cognitively rigorous and truly communicative
- Examine the rigor of FL curriculum and how that rigor is expressed through formative and summative assessments
- Design formative and summative assessments that test students' synthesis of FL learning and balance fluency and accuracy appropriately
- Design performance-based projects that model a communicative approach to FL instruction
- Develop a backwards planning model using the assessments and projects
- Reflect upon the changes made to your curriculum and how these changes could apply to another level of FL teaching
Course Details
Number of Units: 2.0 graduate level extension credit(s) in semester hours
Who Should Attend: This course provides continuing education for teachers (K-12) who currently teach foreign language at the secondary or elementary level, that are interested in constructing lessons that increase students' oral production (or signed for ASL) and improving students' fluency and communicative skills.
Course Materials: Text, A Collection of Performance Tasks and Rubrics: Foreign Languages by Deborah Blaz, available at or your local bookstore.