Infusing Art in the 21st Century Classroom - Printmaking without a Press: Block Printing - EDU-X743K
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Course Description
Bring Art into the Classroom to Enhance Your Curriculum
Infusing Art in the 21st Century Classroom - Printmaking without a Press: Block Printing is a project-based, in-depth investigation of block printing. Beginning with using found-objects as stamps, and culminating with an edition of multi-colored reductive prints, students will investigate the process of block printing in the beauty of its simplicity and the grandeur of its complexity. Through the experience, students will explore the Common Core and ways that these standards can be integrated into printmaking lessons. A comprehensive printmaking lesson with integrated Common Core activities that is ready to use in your K-12 classroom will be created in this course.
Learner Outcomes
- Design and create prints with creative printmaking techniques
- Gain a deeper understanding of the Common Core State Standards as they apply to art instruction
- Design a comprehensive printmaking lesson that incorporates the Common Core State Standards
Course Details
Number of Units: 2.0 graduate level extension credit(s) in semester hours
Who Should Attend: This course provides continuing education for teachers (Grade K-12).
Course Materials: Text, Printmaking as Therapy: Frameworks for Freedom by Lucy Mueller White, available at your local bookstore or online at Necessary art supplies will be explained in Module 1 of the course (approx. $60.00). Students will also need access to a digital camera, webcam, or camera phone to upload images of completed course assignments.
"I loved the course. It met my needs and enjoyed the learning activities. The instructor was fabulous! I am so glad I took the class." -- Mary Eckman, Educator, Roseburg Public Schools, Roseburg, OR
Applies Towards the Following Certificate(s), Professional Programs and Series
- Infusing Art in the 21st Century Classroom Series : Courses - Enroll in One or More