Balanced Literacy in Action (prev #: EDU-506YH) - EDU-X703A
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Course Description
Improve Your Literacy Instruction – Convenient Online Professional Growth
Learn how to create a classroom environment that supports effective literacy instruction for all learners. The components of balanced literacy, including the readers and writers workshop models, are explored. Creating effective mini-lessons, conducting guided reading groups, evaluating running records, and holding meaningful conferences to drive instruction will be an integral part of the course. Coursework will include reading and writing assessment, classroom management, the conditions of literacy, and an emphasis on reaching all learners, including struggling readers and English-language learners.
You will learn to:
- Explore formal and informal literacy assessment instruments
- Survey readers’ and writers’ workshop models
- Create engaging mini–lessons and workshops
- Discover how meaningful conferences drive instruction
Learner Outcomes
- Explore both formal and informal assessment instruments
- Survey readers’ and writers’ workshop models
- Create engaging mini-lessons and workshops
- Discover how meaningful conferences drive instruction
Course Details
Number of Units: 3.0 graduate level extension credit(s) in semester hours
Who Should Attend: This course provides continuing education for teachers (Grades K-12)
Course Materials: All materials for this course are included in the online course
Applies Towards the Following Certificate(s), Professional Programs and Series
- Professional Teachers Program Series : Courses - Enroll in One or More