
Course Description

Credit Validation For San Diego County Office of Education Added Authorization Candidates Only

All candidates must be enrolled first with SDCOE Added Authorizations Program prior to registering for credit validation with USD. Please visit the SDCOE AASE website for program enrollment information.

The San Diego County Office of Education’s Emotional Disturbance (ED) added authorization (AA) program provides opportunities for candidates to be able to identify the unique characteristics of students with ED, and to demonstrate unique knowledge of the core challenges associated with causes, characteristics, and definitions of ED from multiple points of view and conceptual orientations for program planning and service delivery. The expected student outcome is demonstration of knowledge and awareness regarding major issues related to ED. This course focuses on a wide variety of topics and issues related to supporting students with Emotional Disturbance in the school setting. Course content focuses on a variety of topics to include; causes, characteristics and definitions of emotional disturbance; assessment, curriculum design and interventions for academic and social needs of students with emotional disturbance; and parent and inter-agency collaboration to meet the multidimensional needs of students with emotional disturbance. The expected student outcome is demonstration of knowledge regarding major issues related to emotional disturbance and best practices in the identification and service of students with emotional disturbance in the school setting.

Learner Outcomes

  • Articulate the definition, history and prevalence of emotional disturbance and the effect on student learning
  • Articulate the characteristics of emotional disturbance and their impact on student learning
  • Articulate the key legal and political issues related to the identification and placement of students with emotional disturbance
  • Develop understanding of evidence-based practices in the assessment and identification of students with emotional disturbance
  • Develop understanding of evidence-based practices in the programming and instruction of students with emotional disturbance
  • Articulate best practices in collaboration with parents, teachers and community agencies in order to maximize positive student outcomes

Course Details

Number of Units: 9.0 graduate level extension credit(s) in semester hours

Who Should Attend: This course provides continuing education for San Diego County Office of Education Added Authorization Candidates.

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Feb 03, 2025 to May 25, 2025
Course Format
Course Fee(s)
EDU CV - $450 credit (9 units) $450.00
Available for Extension Credit
9 units
Section Notes

Location: San Diego County Office of Education

Audience: This course is specifically for teachers who hold a preliminary or clear Education Specialist Credential and seek to add an authorization to that credential

Refund Policy: All Credit Validation enrollments are refundable, less a $25 fee, if requested within 30 days of enrollment date. There will be no refunds for Credit Validation after the allotted 30 days.

Enrollment Open Through: February 3 - May 30, 2025 (11:59pm PST)

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