Designing for Acceleration: Implementing Meaningful Strategies to Re-Engage Students - EDU-X773L
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Course Description
Incorporate Learning Recovery Strategies to Level Learning Loss
As students return to formal education settings, Designing for Acceleration: Implementing Meaningful Strategies to Re-Engage Students will provide you with focused strategies to accelerate, rather than remediate, learning. Faced with interrupted learning, the needs of students as they return to in person and formal school settings are varied and complex. Major topics covered in this course include meaningful engagement, diagnostic and formative assessment strategies, responsive lesson design, and authentic family partnerships with an emphasis on equitable opportunities and access.
Learner Outcomes
- Define “learning acceleration” and apply a framework for engaging students for acceleration
- Research, analyze, and reflect on the impact of authentic partnerships with students, families, and colleagues
- Analyze and implement learning frameworks and strategies to accelerate learning to support mastery and equity
- Integrate social-emotional learning strategies to assist with developing student's agency and wellbeing
- Build an implementation plan grounded in the four stages of implementation
Course Details
Number of Units: 3.0 graduate level extension credit(s) in semester hours
Who Should Attend: This course provides continuing education for K-12 educators interested in mitigating the impact of COVID in the classroom with accelerated learning strategies by re-engaging with students.
Course Materials: None
"It was my first course through online learning and I had a great experience!" -- Evelyn Coronel, Educator, Downey Unified School District, CA
Applies Towards the Following Certificate(s), Professional Programs and Series
- Professional Teachers Program Series : Courses - Enroll in One or More