Character-based Classroom Management: Strategies & Practices (prev #: EDU-523CL) - EDU-X723J
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Course Description
Build Your Skills to Develop Students As Model Citizens
This course will enhance your knowledge and skills in managing all aspects of the modern day classroom. The course content will help you employ classroom management strategies that will contribute to students’ mastery of 21st Century skills. You will explore research and best practices in classroom management that have been proven to be effective in improving student achievement and social-emotional skills. Each module in this course will help you develop a range of management skills, including: room settings, the use of class meetings, effective planning and preparation, assessing what works and what doesn’t, empowering students in class affairs, and monitoring student behaviors.
Learner Outcomes
- Compare classroom management approaches and examine your classroom culture
- Identify key drivers of student behavior and motivation
- Reflect on classroom management practices and dispositions
- Apply Character-based classroom management and discipline strategies in your classroom
Course Details
Number of Units: 2.0 graduate level extension credit(s) in semester hours
Who Should Attend: This course provides continuing education to K-12 teachers and administrators interested in learning how to plan and implement character development education into the classroom, school and/or district. This program will provide everything you need to plan, deliver, and assess character education best practices for the learning environment.
Course Materials: There are no book requirements for this course. All materials are embedded within the online course.
What Some Current Students Are Saying . . .
"Taking this course brought me steps closer to my goal as it equipped me with knowledge and practical tools to use."
"I liked this course because the workload was manageable and the assignments relevant. I learned things that will help me in the classroom." -- Jennifer Zirbel, Educator, Belgrade School District, Montana
Applies Towards the Following Certificate(s), Professional Programs and Series
- Character Education Development Certificate : Courses - Enroll in Individual Courses, or Earn a Certificate with Required Courses (8 units)