
Course Description

Aim for Successful Coaching that Improves Each Athlete's Individual Skill Set and Increases Motivation

Student athletes participate in team sport with a variety of skill level, motivation, and desired outcomes—they are not “one size fits all.” Gone are the days of the drill sergeant coach with a loud whistle commanding a large group to fall in line and pay attention to instructions. Today’s student athletes need authentic opportunities to connect with their coach to develop positive relationships that will address and support their individual goals and learning needs. Like in the classroom, coaches are now being asked to develop both whole group lessons that focus on exposure of content for team success, as well as differentiated instruction that connects with what each athlete needs for mastery of the skill or concept being taught. This course will focus on the second leg of this two-prong approach working to address each athlete’s skill level and motivation throughout the season. Developing your ability to build stronger relationships that foster differentiation of instruction will have a positive impact on each athlete’s experience and will lead to greater team success and ensures that every athlete, no matter the score, has a successful season.

Learner Outcomes

  • Apply pedagogical foundations of coaching to meet the needs of individual athletes
  • Create a plan for building authentic, individual coach-athlete relationships
  • Develop assessments that will inform instruction for individual athletes

Course Details

Number of Units: 2.0 graduate level extension credit(s) in semester hours

Who Should Attend: This course provides continuing education for athletic coaches and K-12 teachers who provide physical education, who want to gain a new perspective on coaching in the modern era.

Course Materials:  Text, Successful Coaching, 4th edition by Rainer Martens (same book as used in EDU-X779P, Principles of Coaching), available at Amazon.com or your local bookstore.

Technical Requirements


"Awesome!" -- Ryan Pinon, Educator, Capistrano Unified School District, California

Applies Towards the Following Certificate(s), Professional Programs and Series

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Start Now, you have 180 days to complete this course once enrolled.
Course Format
Course Fee(s)
EDU PD - $317 credit (2 units) $317.00
Available for Extension Credit
2 units
Section Notes

Once you have enrolled in your course, log in to your account to access the course Welcome Letter, which includes directions on how to access the Online Orientation and your online course.

NOTE: This section (010) is specifically for the general public. If you are a student with USD Athletics Department with a sandiego.edu email, please choose section 011  for enrollment.

Feb 03, 2025 to Mar 10, 2025
Course Format
Course Fee(s)
EDU PD - $317 credit (2 units) $317.00
Available for Extension Credit
2 units
Section Notes

Once you have enrolled in your course, log in to your account to access the course Welcome Letter, which includes directions on how to access the Online Orientation and your online course.

NOTE: This section (013) is specifically for USD Athletics Department students. Only enroll in this section if you have a sandiego.edu email address and have been approved to take this section by USD Athletics Department.  General public, please choose section 010 (2024) or section 014 (2025).

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