Facilitating Student-Centered Communication in the World Language Classroom - EDC-X727Y
Course Description
Credit Validation for DoDEA Participants Only
This two-credit graduate course was designed for world language teachers to facilitate student-centered communication through high quality instructional practices that support the academic needs of all learners.
Each module will include a required virtual synchronous session facilitated by the instructors. Attendance at the synchronous sessions is mandatory. Access to all materials will be provided via Schoology: Graduate Courses for ESOL and World Languages and live sessions on Microsoft Teams.
All participants must purchase the paper copy or e-book version of the text.
Learner Outcomes
- Evaluate student-centered communicative activities for professional self-reflection to improve instruction
- Design unit plans using Backward Design to promote student-centered learning in acquiring another language
- Apply critical thinking skills to create a dynamic student-centered experience that increases proficiency for all learners
Course Details
Number of Units: 2.0 graduate level extension credit(s) in semester hours
Who Should Attend: This course provides continuing education for DoDEA Participants.
Course Materials: Text, Building Proficiency for World Language Learners by Janina Klimas available at Amazon.com or your local bookstore