
Course Description

Combine Mindfulness with Learning in a Designated Makerspace for Creativity and Well-being

The Mindful Makerspace course explores the intersection of mindfulness, creativity and well-being in the context of maker education.  This unique course will provide educators with the knowledge and skills necessary to create makerspaces that promote mindfulness, self-expression, and problem-solving.  By fostering a culture of mindful making, educators can enhance their own well-being and that of their students while nurturing innovative thinking and collaborative learning experiences that prepare students for the future.

Learner Outcomes

  • Understand the principles and benefits of combining mindfulness, creativity, and well-being in maker education
  • Design inclusive and accessible makerspaces that promote mindful making and self-expression
  • Integrate mindfulness practices and strategies into the making process and learning experiences
  • Develop and implement maker education curriculum and projects aligned with learning objectives and standards
  • Encourage collaboration, empathy, and community engagement in the makerspace
  • Prioritize self-care and professional development for educators in mindful makerspaces

Course Details

Number or Units: 3.0 graduate level extension credit(s) in semester hours

Who Should Attend: This course provides continuing education for K-12 educators, librarians, and after-school program coordinators, who are interested in integrating maker education and mindfulness practices into their learning environments.  It is also suitable for administrators and educational leaders looking to support and promote creativity, well-being, and innovative learning experiences in their schools or institutions.

Technical Requirements

Applies Towards the Following Certificate(s), Professional Programs and Series

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Start Now, you have 180 days to complete this course once enrolled.
Course Format
Course Fee(s)
EDU PD - $504 credit (3 units) $504.00
Section Fees
Available for Extension Credit
3 units
Section Notes

Once you have enrolled in your course, log in to your account to access the course Welcome Letter, which includes directions on how to access the Online Orientation and your online course.

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