An Introduction to Structured Word Inquiry - EDC-X704J
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Course Description
Credit Validation for Dyslexia Training Institute Participants Only
Have you ever tried to teach a word and heard yourself utter the phrase, “Well, English is just crazy; you will have to memorize that word”? If you have, we have good news for you, English is not crazy and there is a way to investigate words along with your students (dyslexic and non-dyslexic) to learn the true underlying structure, and never utter those words again!
Learner Outcomes
- Learn that English is not crazy and how to find the sense in it
- Identify how to investigate the sense of so-called ‘sight words’
- Conduct word hypothesis and create word sums
- Examine the interrelationship between morphology, etymology and phonology
- Recognize the difference between spoken and written syllables
- Examine why teaching spelling and reading via a syllable model for written words can be problematic
- Determine how Latin, Greek, Old English and Old French impact English
- Participate in weekly online discussions in between webinars where you can ask questions and work as a community to answer those questions
Course Details
Number of Units: 2.5 graduate level extension credit(s) in semester hours
Who Should Attend: This course provides continuing education for teachers who teach reading and spelling or for anyone who would like a better understanding of how English orthography is organized.
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