Teaching English Learners and Students with Special Needs (prev#: EDU-789J) - EDC-X789J
Course Description
Credit Validation, Convenient Online Format
This course provides candidates with the principles and strategies for teaching English Learners and students with special needs in their CTE program. The background principles underlying the cultural, linguistic, and sociocultural context and foundation of learning will be explored.
Learner Outcomes
- Fulfill requirements for the Designated Subjects 3-year preliminary CTE credential
- Demonstrate the ability to understand, select, modify and use appropriate instructional strategies to scaffold English Learners ability to comprehend content
- Develop an understanding of cross-cultural factors that affect student learning and the use of related, appropriate practices that foster high achievement among students
Course Details
Number of Units: 3.0 graduate level extension credit(s) in semester hours
Who Should Attend: Teachers who need to fulfill the requirements for the Designated Subjects 3-year preliminary CTE credentials (issued after 9/1/2010)
Required Text: Making Content Comprehensible for Secondary English Learners: The SIOP Model, 3rd Edition, by Jana J. Echevarria, MaryEllen Vogt and Deborah J. Short, available at Pearson.com or Amazon.com, or your local bookstore. Please have textbook on the first day of class.
Course Format: Asynchronous Online; Login information will be emailed by your instructor before the first day of class, please check your spam/junk folder. You must respond to the email to confirm the email address to be used for the course, a second email will then be sent with the invitation to join Canvas.
This course is for CTE Credentials only.
Completion of Foundations of Curriculum with a grade of "C" or better.