
Course Description

Lead with Mindfulness Programs at Your School for Increased Learning Outcomes

The Mindfulness Program Planning & Leadership course is an in depth approach to the design and delivery of a school or district wide mindfulness initiative.  Using a Logic Model approach, participants will engage in a customized process to customize the creation of progressive and age appropriate interventions that support the school-wide mission statements as well as sustainable, equitable and future oriented teaching methods.

Learner Outcomes

  • Develop a comprehensive logic model for program planning, collaboration, training and monitoring, which includes templates, readiness indications, outcome measures and more
  • Design, troubleshoot, measure and refine mindfulness programs at the classroom, school or district level, specifically tailored for educational professionals and community stakeholders

Course Details

Number of Units: 3.0 graduate level extension credit(s) in semester hours

Who Should Attend: This course provides continuing education for teachers (K-12) and instructors at the community college level, who are wanting to understand habits and how making small changes can bring about big results in the classroom.

Technical Requirements

Applies Towards the Following Certificate(s), Professional Programs and Series

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Start Now, you have 180 days to complete this course once enrolled.
Course Format
Course Fee(s)
EDU PD - $504 credit (3 units) $504.00
Section Fees
Available for Extension Credit
3 units
Section Notes

Once you have enrolled in your course, log in to your account to access the course Welcome Letter, which includes directions on how to access the New Student Orientation and your online course.

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