The following courses are appropriate for the higher education professionals and educators at either the community or four-year college level.  Courses can be taken individually or toward certificate program requirements, as applicable. View all individual courses listed below or those associated with Certificates or Series are also listed below.

Featured Certificates and Series: Higher Education: Community College and Beyond

Browse Higher Education: Community College and Beyond Courses Below!



EDU-X712R - STEAM: Supporting Creativity for Innovation
EDU-X713R - Designing Effective STEAM Curriculum with Equitable Technology Integration
EDU-X714R - Social Emotional Learning in the STEAM Classroom
EDU-X715R - Universal Design for Learning in the STEAM Classroom
EDU-X716S - Deeper Understanding of the Adult Learner - Theory and Application for Adults Teaching Adults
EDU-X717S - Applying Theory to Practice for the Adult Learner - Excellence in Adult Instruction
EDU-X750R - Atomic Habits: Develop Habits to Increase Learning, Efficiency and Joy in the Classroom and Beyond
EDU-X767P - Unwinding Anxiety: Proven Techniques and Practices to Manage Anxiety for Ourselves and Our Students
EDU-X779R - Restorative Justice for Campus Sexual Harm
EDU-X785R - Introduction to Restorative Justice: A Global Social Movement
EDU-X786MA - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part I/Classroom Practice - AI for Educators: Learning Strategies, Teacher Efficiencies, and a Vision for an Artificial Intelligence Future
EDU-X786MB - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part II/Classroom Practice - AI for Educators: Learning Strategies, Teacher Efficiencies, and a Vision for an Artificial Intelligence Future
EDU-X786R - Restorative Justice Facilitation and Skill-Building Intensive
EDU-X787K - Banish Burnout - Educator's Guide to Stopping Burnout Before It Stops You!
EDU-X787MA - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part I/Classroom Practice - The Civically Engaged Classroom: Reading, Writing, and Speaking for Change
EDU-X787MB - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part II/Classroom Practice - The Civically Engaged Classroom: Reading, Writing, and Speaking for Change
EDU-X787R - Restorative Justice in Practice
EDU-X796MA - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part I/Classroom Practice - What the Fact?: Finding the Truth in All the Noise
EDU-X796MB - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part II/Classroom Practice - What the Fact?: Finding the Truth in All the Noise
EDU-X797R - Understanding the Adult Learner -- Theory and Skills to Become a More Effective Professional Learning Designer and Facilitator


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