Teacher in front of classroom representing teacher needing professional growth course listed as other courses

The following courses are not associated with a Certificate or Series.




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EDU-X700P - Using Inquiry, Discussion, and Experience to Develop Critical Thinkers and Inspire Lifelong Learning (prev #: EDU-X737I)
EDU-X714S - Teaching for Joy and Equity in the K-12 Classroom
EDU-X715P - Supporting the Homeschooled Student
EDU-X721J - Learning with Literature (K-3)
EDU-X732L - Teaching Literature to English Language Learners
EDU-X736O - Project-Based Learning for Student Engagement and Achievement
EDU-X741M - Classroom Website Creation and Enhancement
EDU-X741P - Be on My SIDE: Educating for Social Justice, Inclusivity, Diversity and Equity
EDU-X767MA - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part I/Diversity and Inclusion - White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism
EDU-X771L - Increasing Rigor in the Foreign Language/LOTE Classroom
EDU-X772K - Culturally Relevant and Responsive Teaching
EDU-X772M - Google Tools for Collaborative Teaching
EDU-X776O - Geography in the Classroom: Using Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
EDU-X781L - Chromebooks in the Classroom
EDU-X782L - Introduction to Instructional Design for Educators
EDU-X787K - Banish Burnout - Educator's Guide to Stopping Burnout Before It Stops You!
EDU-X787P - Health and PE Innovation: Incorporating Technology into Your Curriculum
EDU-X789K - Teaching Coding in the K-12 Classroom
MIN-X700 - Introduction to Behavioral Health
MIN-X701 - Current Psychopharmacological and Psychological Treatments for Major Psychiatric and Behavioral Health Disorders
MIN-X702 - Advanced Topics in Behavioral Health for Chaplains


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