The following courses can be taken individually or toward certificate program requirements, as applicable.  View all individual courses listed below or those associated with Certificates or Series are also listed below.

Featured Certificates and Series:  Technology

Teacher helping student on a computer in classroom representing professional growth courses for teachers in technologySpotlight

  • EDU-X798O Supporting Learners with Google Classroom
  • EDU-X789K Coding for Educators:  An Introduction
  • EDU-X781L Chromebooks in the Classroom
  • EDU-X718P Learning Readiness with Basic Google Tools

Browse Technology Courses Below!



EDU-X705NA - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part I/Science - The Alignment Problem: Machine Learning and Human Values
EDU-X705NB - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part II/Science - The Alignment Problem: Machine Learning and Human Values
EDU-X706A - Best Practices in Technology Integration (prev #: EDU-506YK)
EDU-X708A - Reading and Writing in the Digital Age (prev #: EDU-506YM)
EDU-X712R - STEAM: Supporting Creativity for Innovation
EDU-X713P - Transitioning to a Blended Learning Environment
EDU-X713R - Designing Effective STEAM Curriculum with Equitable Technology Integration
EDU-X714P - Bringing Reading Alive in the Classroom
EDU-X714R - Social Emotional Learning in the STEAM Classroom
EDU-X715R - Universal Design for Learning in the STEAM Classroom
EDU-X718P - Learning Readiness with Basic Google Tools
EDU-X719P - Digital Portfolios in Education
EDU-X722MA - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part I/Educational Technology - The ArcGIS Book: 10 Big Ideas about Applying Geography to Your World
EDU-X722MB - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part II/Educational Technology - The ArcGIS Book: 10 Big Ideas about Applying Geography to Your World
EDU-X722NA - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part I/Educational Technology - The Canva Classroom: 42 Ultimate Answers to Templates that Rocket Student Engagement
EDU-X722NB - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part II/Educational Technology - The Canva Classroom: 42 Ultimate Answers to Templates that Rocket Student Engagement
EDU-X723NA - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part I/Educational Technology - The Esports Education Playbook: Empowering Every Learner Through Inclusive Gaming
EDU-X723NB - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part II/Educational Technology - The Esports Education Playbook: Empowering Every Learner Through Inclusive Gaming
EDU-X724NA - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part I/Educational Technology - Teaching in the Online Classroom: Surviving and Thriving in the New Normal
EDU-X724NB - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part II/Educational Technology - Teaching in the Online Classroom: Surviving and Thriving in the New Normal
EDU-X725NA - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part I/Classroom Practice - The AI Classroom: The Ultimate Guide to Artificial Intelligence in Education
EDU-X725NB - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part II/Classroom Practice - The AI Classroom: The Ultimate Guide to Artificial Intelligence in Education
EDU-X726T - Gamification in Education
EDU-X741M - Classroom Website Creation and Enhancement
EDU-X745P2 - Utilizing EdTech Tools and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) to Enhance Lessons in the Classroom/2 (prev#: EDU-X745P)
EDU-X745P3 - Utilizing EdTech Tools and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) to Enhance Lessons in the Classroom/3 (prev#: EDU-X745P)
EDU-X748Q - Bringing Social Studies Alive in the Classroom
EDU-X748R - Expanding Your Professional Learning Network through Social Media
EDU-X750MA - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part I/Educational Technology - Hacking Project Based Learning: 10 Easy Steps to PBL and Inquiry in the Classroom (Hack Learning Series)
EDU-X750MB - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part II/Educational Technology - Hacking Project Based Learning: 10 Easy Steps to PBL and Inquiry in the Classroom (Hack Learning Series)
EDU-X751L - Developing Digital Citizens
EDU-X751MA - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part I/Educational Technology - Learning First, Technology Second: The Educator's Guide to Designing Authentic Lessons
EDU-X751MB - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part II/Educational Technology - Learning First, Technology Second: The Educator's Guide to Designing Authentic Lessons
EDU-X752MA - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part I/Educational Technology - 50 Things You Can Do with Google Classroom
EDU-X752MB - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part II/Educational Technology - 50 Things You Can Do With Google Classroom
EDU-X757L - K-12 Tech Tools for College and Future Careers
EDU-X758Q - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Education
EDU-X769P - Increasing Achievement by Diminishing Creativity Anxiety
EDU-X772L - Reset: Resiliency, Compassion and Innovation for Transformative Teaching
EDU-X772M - Google Tools for Collaborative Teaching
EDU-X775RA - Developing 21st Century Skills with Blended Learning (prev#: EDU-X775R)
EDU-X776O - Geography in the Classroom: Using Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
EDU-X776RA - Technology Safety and Security in the K-12 Classroom (prev course #: EDU-X776R)
EDU-X777L - Advanced Google Tools
EDU-X777O - Google Tools Curriculum Planning
EDU-X778LA - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part I/Educational Technology - From STEM to STEAM: Using Brain-Compatible Strategies to Integrate the Arts
EDU-X778LB - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part II/Educational Technology - From STEM to STEAM: Using Brain-Compatible Strategies to Integrate the Arts
EDU-X779LA - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part I/Educational Technology - Global Education: Using Technology to Bring the World to Your Students
EDU-X779LB - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part II/Educational Technology - Global Education: Using Technology to Bring the World to Your Students
EDU-X780LA - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part I/Educational Technology - The Multiplayer Classroom: Designing Coursework as a Game
EDU-X780LB - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part II/Educational Technology - The Multiplayer Classroom: Designing Coursework as a Game
EDU-X781L - Chromebooks in the Classroom
EDU-X781LA - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part I/Educational Technology - Project-Based Learning: Differentiating Instruction for the 21st Century
EDU-X781LB - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part II/Educational Technology - Project-Based Learning: Differentiating Instruction for the 21st Century
EDU-X783J - Technology Tools for Enhancing Instruction and Empowering Students
EDU-X783MA - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part I/Arts Education - STEAM Lab for Kids: 52 Creative Hands-On Projects for Exploring Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math
EDU-X783MB - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part II/Arts Education - STEAM Lab for Kids: 52 Creative Hands-On Projects for Exploring Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math
EDU-X784P - The Innovator's Mindset: Empower Learning through Creativity and Connections
EDU-X786MA - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part I/Classroom Practice - AI for Educators: Learning Strategies, Teacher Efficiencies, and a Vision for an Artificial Intelligence Future
EDU-X786MB - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part II/Classroom Practice - AI for Educators: Learning Strategies, Teacher Efficiencies, and a Vision for an Artificial Intelligence Future
EDU-X787P - Health and PE Innovation: Incorporating Technology into Your Curriculum
EDU-X789K - Teaching Coding in the K-12 Classroom
EDU-X795MA - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part I/Classroom Practice - The Shift to Student-Led: Reimagining Classroom Workflows with UDL and Blended Learning
EDU-X795MB - Read, Empower, Act, Discover Part II/Classroom Practice - The Shift to Student-Led: Reimagining Classroom Workflows with UDL and Blended Learning
EDU-X798O - Supporting Learners with Google Classroom


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