Learn and Apply Inclusive Teaching Strategies by Creating an ELD-Inclusive Environment

Research shows that school communities are becoming increasingly more diverse. The language proficiency of students brings certain assets and needs to school environments and it is essential that all students' needs are addressed. This certification will guide participants in creating targeted lessons in designated and integrated English Language Development lesson that will lead to students' academic, speaking and listening success. This certification will help instructors to integrate ELL students into the classroom community focusing on the assets that they bring to the learning environment; The first course will focus on creating impactful English Language Development (ELD) lessons; The second course will explore Integrating Speaking and Listening Skills for Language Learners; The final course will focus on Supporting ELLs in the Classroom Community.

Certificate Requirements

Complete the requirements below to earn a professional certificate in Professional Development Facilitation and Leadership. The certificate can be completed in as few as two semesters. Read Certificate Benefits and Policy.

  • Complete all three courses, EDU-X755Q, EDU-X718U, and EDU-X757Q (total of 8 units) and earn graduate level extension credits.


Schedule and Fees

Course # Required Courses (9 units) Duration SP SU FA Fees*
EDU-X755Q Creating Impactful English Language Development (ELD) Lessons
(3 units)
up to 6 months OSP OSP OSP $504
EDU-X718U Integrating Speaking and Listening Skills for Language Learners
(3 units)
up to 6 months OSP OSP OSP $504
EDU-X757Q Supporting ELLs in the Classroom Community
(2 units)
up to 6 months OSP OSP OSP $317
Certificate Fee $45
Total Certificate Cost $1,370
C = Classroom; OFD = Online Fixed-Date; OSP = Online Self-Paced; IS = Independent Study Self-Paced
*Schedule and Fees are subject to change.

Learning Method

These courses are taught in the Online Self-Paced format


Enroll in one or more courses to earn graduate-level extension credits. We recommend that you take them sequentially as they build upon each other.  You can expect the following from Online Self-Paced courses:

  • You can go online when convenient, completing courses within six months or sooner of enrollment.
  • As long as you have access to the Internet (and any text book requirements stated, if applicable), you can complete assignments.
  • You'll read articles and watch videos, and interact with resources provided within the course.
  • Completed assignments are submitted and then evaluated by an assigned instructor.
  • Instructor interaction and feedback are provided between assignments.

What You Will Learn

  • Create targeted lessons in designated English Language Development to lead to academic success
  • Acknowledge assets and needs of ELL students in speaking and listening skills instructions
  • Meet students needs in innovative and strategic ways
  • Integrate ELL students into the classroom community focusing on the assets that they bring to the learning community

Who Should Attend

This certificate program provides continuing education for K-12 educational professionals that want to stay up to date in teaching and pedagogical strategies that address ELL students.


  • Higher academic performance from your students
  • Learn how to create and nurture a inclusive and positive learning expierence
  • Demonstrate a strong commitment towards a pratice of continued learning 

Additional Details

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